Author: opencommonwealth

Malden Releases Antonietta (‘Toni’) Mertz Contract…

Her Contract States: – “Toni Mertz shall serve as Finance Director / Business Manager and shall devote her full time and skills to the performance of her duties as described in this Contract. It is understood however, that she may undertake consulting work, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing and other associated professional activities whether for a […]

Does Antonietta (‘Toni’) Mertz possess the Minimum Required Masters Degree to be the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations in Malden?

Malden News Network requested Public records from the City of Malden which were provided today. These records contain the job description for Ms. Mertz current position which states the following: Part IV: Minimum Qualifications 2. Master’s degree in business, financial management, accounting, legal, educational leadership, or related field.  Ms. Mertz was elevated to this position […]

In Malden Public Schools, when you have Budget Problems…

First: Add More Administration Positions (Managerial, not Academic); Then: Give them More Money; Then: Coordinate Fewer Work Hours for Them; Then: Propose to Lay off Teachers and other In-School Union Positions, and Cut Student Facing Programs; Finally: Complain about how unfair the Commonwealth and Chapter 70 are…. How many Assistant Superintendents have been added, as […]

Is there a Doctor in the Schools?

Lawrence Public Schools has announced Former Malden Public Schools Superintendent, Ligia Noriega-Murphy as a finalist in their own Superintendent Search. OpenCommonwealth calls on the stakeholders in Lawrence to ask the long-standing question: Is Ligia Noriega-Murphy a Doctor or not? Many in Malden remember this past term of their Superintendent as a tumultious term. Dr. Noriega-Murphy […]

Salem Public Schools Releases Antonietta (‘Toni’) Mertz documents.

Ms. Mertz emailed Salem Officials every day of the week except Saturdays and most emails were sent during business hours. More records are due to OpenCommonwealth, and we are pursuing them. All of the records can be viewed here: