In order for our office to examine this, we would need a request from the City of Malden itself.
The process for reques@ng a municipal audit, according to the MassachuseAs General Laws, says the
request must come “following a majority vote by the board of selectmen or school commiAee that is
ra@fied by a special or annual town mee@ng, or in a regional school district following a two-thirds vote of
the regional school district commiAee members, or in a city following a majority vote of the city council
and approval by the mayor, or in a county following a majority vote of the county commissioners, the
department of the state auditor may make an audit of the accounts, programs, ac@vi@es and other
public func@ons of said town, district, regional school district, city or county to the extent determined
necessary by the state auditor; provided, further, that the expenses incurred for any such audit shall be
borne by the city, town or regional school district and the state auditor may charge for the cost of said
audit; provided, further, that all funds received for any such audits of said city, town, district, regional
school district or county shall be deposited with the state treasurer in a separate account and expended
solely for audits of any city, town, district, regional school district or county.”